Blog update

Rather than using kubernetes to host my blog, I moved over to Digital Ocean App Platform. My thinking is it is more important to make the platform for the blog easy and focus on writing content rather than trying to make a complex setup. I am still learning kubernetes (and will continue to learn), but for now, I’ll make blogging as foolproof as possible.

It was pretty easy to move my repo over except for 2 issues.

  1. I had a dockerfile in my repository, so Digital Ocean wouldn’t auto detect my repo as a hugo site. I fixed this by removing the docker file.
  2. My git submodule was using ssh instead of https, so I would get a soft error when trying to copy the submodule. Hugo would still build, but it was not outputting my markdown files as html. I fixed this by changing the submodule from [email protected]:alexandrevicenzi/soho.git ->

I am still in DNS limbo (as of writing the article) since I moved my DNS name servers from Google to Digital Ocean, but I am pretty happy so far with the change. I hope I am still please with it in a few days!